Hannah Blythyn MS
Hannah Blythyn MS

As many readers will already know, June is Pride Month – traditionally a period to reflect upon how far we have come on LGBTQ+ equality, to celebrate inclusive communities and to commit to continuing to create a country where we all feel welcome, safe and supported. Pride Month sees events take place right across the UK and much further afield. Much closer to home though, last weekend saw the first-ever Flint Pride take place. It was a real privilege to support and be part of Flint Pride – something I could never have begun to imagine when I was at school in Flint in the 1990s. The event not only brought the LGBTQ+ community together but showed the best of our community as a whole, it was wonderful to see so many businesses, organisations and individuals take part. I am genuinely grateful to everyone that supported this event and helped make it happen, with a special shout out to Mayor of Flint, Cllr. Melly Buckley.

Recently, the Welsh Government reinforced its commitment to making Wales a ‘safe haven’ for LGBTQ+ people by providing the first in-person support service for victims and survivors of ‘conversion practices’ – any form of treatment, behaviour or psychotherapy that aims to change a person’s sexual orientation or to suppress a person’s gender identity. Partnering with Galop, the new service will also offer crucial information and resources for organisations looking to support LGBTQ+ people. Here in Wales, we believe that everyone is free to live their lives as their authentic selves free of fear and without discrimination, hate or exclusion. For support, you can call the new helpline on 0800 130 3335 or find out more at www.conversiontherapysupport.org.uk.

2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the Eco-Schools programme, something which schools in Wales have truly embraced in the three decades since the scheme started. Eco-Schools is one of the largest global sustainable school programmes – engaging millions of children across 73 countries, by starting in the classroom and expanding to the community to engage the next generation in action-based learning. In Wales, 90 per cent of schools across every local authority take part in Eco-Schools and this equates to more than 400,000 pupils – one of the highest participation rates in the world!

The Eco-Schools programme empowers and inspires young people to make positive environmental changes to their school and wider community, it supports the learners in planning and executing positive actions while championing environmental action in their school – and schemes like this have really helped to win over hearts and minds as Wales can boast one of the best recycling rates in the world. If you want to know more about the scheme and about its successes, go to www.eco-schools.org.uk.

Finally, Care & Repair Cymru is a charity that specialises in repairs, adaptations and home maintenance, giving older people in Wales safety and peace of mind and allowing them to live independently at home. Many older people in Wales struggle to remain in their homes after a hospital visit or following a diagnosis of dementia or a stroke and Care & Repair can help to improve their homes and go some way to take the strain from loved ones, carers and health services – through the charity’s local agencies, they support more than 50,000 people in Wales every year and change lives in the process. If you or a loved one needs help from Care & Repair North East Wales, based in Shotton, they can be contacted by phone at 01352 758700 or by email at caseworkers@careandrepairnew.co.uk – you can find out more about the organisation at www.careandrepair.org.uk.

Flintshire-based organisations might also be interested to learn that the Flintshire Local Voluntary Council’s Community Chest Grants are open for applications until Sunday. The grants, which can be up to £1,000, support one-off initiatives such as building repairs, community events, equipment and staff training. For more information or to apply, go to www.flvc.org.uk/help-for-organisations/funding-advice/current-grants.

As always, if you would like advice and/or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on any of the following contact details – 52 High Street, Mold, Flintshire, on 01352 753464 or by email hannah.blythyn@senedd.wales. You can also keep up to date via my Facebook page – www.facebook.com/HannahBlythynForDelyn.

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