This year is set to be a busy one when it comes to the democratic landscape of our country. A UK General Election needs to happen by January 2025 at the latest, but before that we will see someone new take over the reigns as First Minister of Wales. It has been a real privilege to serve in Mark Drakeford’s government and whoever becomes the First Minister will do so at time of real challenge and change – from a cost-of-living crisis to significant financial pressures on our public services and servants. I believe the person to take on that task and unite our communities and country is Jeremy Miles MS.
Jeremy has the support of the people who know him best and those who have worked most closely with him – a clear majority of his colleagues in the Senedd. He also has support from across North East Wales. Jeremy was born and brought up in South West Wales, growing up in and serving a community that has much in common with our own communities here – from the industrial legacy of the past to the challenges of connectivity of today and the future. I know that Jeremy will be a First Minister who is not only here in North Wales regularly but actually understands the issues we face and works with us on the solutions to the challenges ahead of us – he understands the country outside Cardiff. I also know Jeremy to be compassionate, considered and committed to a leadership style that is open, inclusive and brings people with us. I entered the Senedd at the same election in 2016 – we worked together on the backbenches, not just serving on the same committees but also pushing for an inclusive curriculum.
In government, we have continued to work closely, most recently on the Unions and the World of Work Project to empower the next generation of employers and employees. I have seen first hand, day-in day-out, Jeremy’s commitment to giving everyone the best start in life and opportunities so that they can achieve their true potential. But you don’t need to simply take my word for it, his actions as Education Minister speak for themselves – whether that’s increasing Educational Maintenance Allowance or working with our local authorities to roll out free school meals in primary schools in Wales. This year and the next few months will define and shape our futures. We need a fresh face and a fresh focus and I believe Jeremy is the leader that Wales needs.